
This section provides an overview of the results achieved by SocialSensor. Project results have been organized in the following categories:

  • Deliverables: Contractual project deliverables (marked as public) as described in the Description of Work for the project.
  • Publications:  Any kind of publicly available document stemming from project work. These include mostly scientific publications to peer-reviewed conferences and journals.
  • Software: Prototype implementations in the form of source code, libraries or services that can be used by other researchers and developers.
  • Datasets: Publicly available datasets that can be used for evaluating existing and new approaches on different research problems.

Apart from these results that main relate to the project research outcomes, you may want to check out results targeting end users and other stakeholders:

  • Applications: Publicly available applications/systems developed by the project.
  • Events: Events organized and supported by the project.
  • Evaluation: Activities performed by project partners to assess different methods and components developed within the project.

A very important contribution of the project is the release of several key components as open-source projects using the Apache License v2. These are available through the project GitHub space.

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