Topic detection framework

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We make available a framework that contains Java implementations of the following topic detection methods:

  • Document-pivot topic detection with LSH indexing.
  • Graph-based feature-pivot topic detection with the use of the SCAN algorithm.
  • Latent Dirichlter Allocation. In fact this is a wrapper around the mallet implementation.
  • Soft frequent itemset mining.
  • BNgram.

Twitter community evolution framework

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We make available a Twitter interaction network collector and a set of Matlab scripts that enable the analysis of social interaction networks with the goal of uncovering evolving communities. More specifically, the interaction network collector forms a network between Twitter users based on the mentions in the set of monitored tweets (using the Streaming API). The network of interactions is adaptively partitioned into snapshot graphs based on the frequency of interactions (more details in [1]). Then, each graph snapshot is partitioned into communities using the Louvain method [2]. Finally, evolving communities are extracted by matching the communities of the current graph snapshot to communities of previous snapshots.

Large-scale image search implementation and experimental testbed

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We make available a Java framework that contains a highly optimized implementation of large-scale image search (content-based) based on SURF, VLAD, Product Quantization and Asymmetric Distance Computation, as well as a set of benchmarking utilities that can be used to assess performance trade-offs (between accuracy and memory cost). 

SocialSensor Social Event Detection (SED2012) implementation

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SocialSensor successfully participated in the Social Event Detection task of the MediaEval 2012 workshop. MediaEval, a workshop focused on focused evaluation tasks with respect to multimedia analysis, took place in Pisa, Italy (4-5 October 2012). CERTH took part in the Social Event Detection (SED) task that involved three challenges: (a) detection of technical events in Germany, (b) soccer events in two major European cities, (c) detection of Indignados events in Madrid. All challenges were defined on a large set of over 160,000 images from Flickr. A more detailed definition of the task is available here.