Social Event Detection (SED) 2013 dataset
Overview: This page makes available for research purposes the dataset, challenge definitions, ground truth challenge results and corresponding evaluation script that were created and used in the 2013 edition of the Social Event Detection (SED) task of the MediaEval benchmarking activity. To be more concise, by social events, we mean events that are planned by people, attended by people and that the media illustrating the events are captured by people.
The Social Event Detection (SED) task of MediaEval 2013 had two subtasks. The first asked participants to cluster a collection of images so that the images in each cluster are associated with a distinct social event. The second asked participants to classify a set of images as either representing some social event or not and if yes, to identify the type of event that is represented (music, sports, protest, etc.). Each image in the dataset is accompanied by metadata typically found on the social web (including time-stamps, tags, geotags for a small subset of them).
For more information on the SED 2014 dataset, challenges and evaluation, please see the following publication. If you use the dataset for your research, please cite the paper:
T. Reuter, S. Papadopoulos, G. Petkos, V. Mezaris, Y. Kompatsiaris, P. Cimiano,C. M. De Vries, S. Geva: "Social Event Detection at MediaEval 2013: Challenges, Datasets and Evaluation". Proc. MediaEval 2013 Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, October 2013.
Instructions to download the dataset are available here.